All Members of St. Anthony's Parish may become members of the Altar Society. Dues are only $5.00 per year per family. Those who wish can make an additional donation of $5.00 to the Flower Fund.
The Altar Society has various functions within the Church. We furnish and pay for all Altar linens and the laundering of such items, communion bread, wine, offertory candles, care of all vestments, and other minor expenses. We also furnish flowers at Christmas, Easter, and on eight specified occasions.
Our main service is monthly Altar duty. Each Saturday, a crew of parishioners spends about one hour cleaning the church. If you feel that you can assist, please call the Rectory@ 732-2562.
Monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 1:30 pm at the Columbus Hall. Please come and join us for fellowship.
No meetings in June, July, or August!
Bible Study: We will meet every second and third Monday at 6:15 pm in the school library.
Court Mary Queen of Snows #1588 meets the first Monday of the months in October – June, and the last Monday of August for September. Meetings are held at St. Anthony Cafeteria beginning with refreshments at 6:30 pm followed by the business meeting at 7:00 pm.
The Knights of Columbus meet the first Monday of each month in the KC Hall. Fellowship at 6:30 with the meeting at 7:00.
The Contemporary Choir sings once a month. We practice every Thursday evening at 6:30pm in the choir loft (except on Thursdays when there is Adoration), and we would be thrilled for you to join us!
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Classes have begun!! This class will meet every Monday at 6:30pm. Contact Deacon John (733-2944) if you are interested in becoming Catholic, have not received all of your Sacraments, would like to learn more about your faith, or if you would like to help teach the classes.
Youth Group every Wednesday 6:30-7:45pm at the St. Anthony School Cafeteria in Columbus.
Teens from 3 parishes come together in the name of JESUS! Check out their experiences @ FACEBOOK PAGE C3YM
C3YM Youth Group: Our tri-parish high school youth ministry program is thriving! There are currently over 50 teens enrolled in our 2 year Confirmation program and around 70 teens regularly attend the Wednesday night Youth Group. We have a core team made up of strong teen leaders who witness each week as they practice a daily prayer life, take on a leadership role during Youth Group, give personal reflections, lead small group discussions, and lead by example. Please continue to pray for us as we endeavor to fulfill our mission: To encounter Christ and live the Church's teachings.
A group of us went over to Louisiana, June 14-16th, for the annual Steubenville Conference which gathered over a thousand high-school teens. It was incredible!